Now I am sharing the networking process. If we can know how
to built or connect a computer with another computer then, we will do many work
together and we know that sharing works would be acceptable and we can do every
work perfectly.
I narrate
Network Cable Setup : We can be connected a computer
with another computer by Twisted Pair cable. Manually Twisted Pair Cable has
partly eight cables into cover of the cable and every cable is various colors.
We need RJ45 connector to connect cable. At first connect RJ45 with Twisted
Pair Cable by Punching. It is called Cable Punching.
Twisted Pair Cable’s cable
- Orange White =================
- Orange =================
- Blue White =================
- Blue =================
- Green White =================
- Green =================
- Brown White =================
- Brown =================
Now, we connect with two PC that means we do not use HUB. So the cable punching’s
crossing is in below-----
1st Side 2nd
1. Orange White 1. Green White
2. Orange 2. Blue
3. Green White 3. Orange White
4. Green 4. Green
5. Blue White 5. Blue White
6. Blue 6. Orange
7. Brown White 7.
Brown White
8. Brown 8.
Now, I am narrating how to connect with more computers for networking by
Twisted Pair Cable. We should to use a HUB or a Switch. Obviously it is easy
and cable color would be punched at same colored cable. In below the connection
process has been written ……
1st Side 2nd
1. Orange White=================1. Orange White
2. Orange =================2.
3. Green White =================3. Green White
4. Blue
=================4. Blue
5. Blue White =================5.
Blue White
6. Green =================
6. Green
7. Brown White =================
7. Brown White
8. Brown =================8. Brown