Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Cover Photos in Google+ as Facebook

Some day ago, Facebook has added Cover Photo system. It is very fantastic to look. However, now Google + also adds the feature to make the social site as Facebook. Now, how do you add a Cover Photo in Google +?

It is completely simple, just follow this instruction sincerely.

At first, login the account of Google+ and click the profiles icon of left side.

Set the mouse on the photo of left side and click “Change photos Ev Change cover photo” option.

Now click to the left side’s cover template in Choose a Template.

Now click to “Change cover photo” option. And complete the action to click “OK” button. The photo must needed at 960*179pixel.

Next, if you will want to change the cover photo then go to “Change cover photo” and delete the previews photo and new picture would be uploaded by you.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Desktop Motherboard Replace: Part-3

It is the most important screenshot that now all latest motherboard require more power then you need to connect ATX Main Power Connector on the motherboard. Please, follow Action-14.
Motherboard Replace: Action-14
RAM and Processor,Desktop Motherboard Replace,Dual Colored Power LED,Hard Drive Active LED,Motherboard Replace,Power Switch, Reset Switch,screenshot of Desktop Motherboard,Single Colored Power LED,Laptop Motherboard replacement,Hardware replace

If you have video adopter then please follow to set the video card on the motherboard. Please follow Action-15 and Action-16.
Motherboard Replace: Action-15
RAM and Processor,Desktop Motherboard Replace,Dual Colored Power LED,Hard Drive Active LED,Motherboard Replace,Power Switch, Reset Switch,screenshot of Desktop Motherboard,Single Colored Power LED,Laptop Motherboard replacement,Hardware replace

Motherboard Replace: Action-16
RAM and Processor,Desktop Motherboard Replace,Dual Colored Power LED,Hard Drive Active LED,Motherboard Replace,Power Switch, Reset Switch,screenshot of Desktop Motherboard,Single Colored Power LED,Laptop Motherboard replacement,Hardware replace

Desktop Motherboard Replace: Part-2

Motherboard Replace: Action-8

This screenshot is also very needed to set USB port of front side of casing. Please, follow Action-9 and Action-10.
Motherboard Replace: Action-9

Motherboard Replace: Action-10

It is SATA cable setting's screenshot. Latest motherboards  are SATA  supported. So, you should be setup all SATA port's accessories, like Hard Disk and Optical Drives.
Motherboard Replace: Action-11

It is IDE cable setting's screenshot. If you need to set IDE cable setup then you can follow this picture.
Motherboard Replace: Action-12

It is most important screenshot. Because, electricity is most part of an electrical device. No electrical devices are run without electricity. So, we need to set the power supplier's main AC cable on the motherboard. So, please, set the power supplier's main cable, which is capable to set on the motherboard. You can get help Action-13 screenshot.
Motherboard Replace: Action-13